“Because I stole from some rich, fat old man who has so much crap that he only noticed what I took when I broke into his house to take it?” I was never good at holding back my words and on some level I thought it made me clever rather than just obnoxious. “Do you know why you’re here, (F/n)?” she asked playing with the rusty old key in her fingers. “I’m (F/n).” I wiped my moth of anything that might still be on it, stood up and walked close to the bars but left some room between us. “Hello there young man I am General Esdeath, may I ask what your name is?” she crossed her arms on the bars and leaned close to them.

Oh and leave the key to the cell with me please.” The guard handed her a rusted key and left.

“Thank you men, you can leave us now I’ll call you when I’m done. “Here he is ma’am.” I heard a voice behind me, at the cell door were two soldiers saluting a tall blue haired woman. I was so in shock that I started throwing up the little food that I had in me and for some reason smoke was covering my mouth. “Hey, let me out! What’s going on how did I get here?” I broke out in a cold sweat as visions of my friend’s burnt bodies flooded my mind. Surprisingly the chains slipped off without much effort and I ran to the iron bars of my cell ad started screaming.
Male iron man reader x akame ga kill free#
I could hear people talking outside so I tried to break free so I could get their attention. When I finally regained my senses I was in a dark cell my hands chained to the back wall and my feet to the floor. Soldiers soon broke into our base and surrounded me. The strange thing of it all was that I didn’t care my friends were all dead and I was still lost in a trance. Nearly done I shook the bottle over my tongue trying to get the last drop and just as fell down I dropped the bottle and let it roll on the ground only to be greeted by the site of the smoking bodies of my friends, they had all been burnt black with some small embers still lit on their bodies. As it ran down my throat I heard my friends screaming and then felt it get painfully hot believing that it was whatever was inside the bottle that had put me in a trance making me hallucinate. I crawled towards it and picked it up from it graphic handles, held it up to my mouth and turned it chugging the thick liquid. At first I thought it was the usual feeling from drinking strong liquor but then I felt a sudden need to drink more of it like the bottle itself was calling to me, I thought that I would die if couldn’t have what was inside the strange bottle pass my lips again. After we had each taken a sip of its contents our throats started burning and we fell to the ground from the sharp pain. My friends and I had stolen a strange bottle of what we thought was expensive whine from some rich noble’s house it had two demons like figures as its handles and an odd dragon like cap chained the bottle shut. I was an orphan living on the streets of the imperial capital stealing things with a small group of other abandoned children until one day I stole the thing that changed my life, an imperial arms.